Key Suppliers

Our suppliers and business relationships are key to ensuring that our members get the best deals on medicines, products, and services. Check out our key suppliers below, helping us provide an efficient, ‘one-click’ Order Management Solution for members.


Edinpharm Partnered Supplier for medical products

AAH Pharmaceuticals

AAH provide a full range of medical products

Bestway Medhub

Bestway Medhub supply a range of pharmacy dispensing products and services to independent pharmacies.

Phoenix Healthcare

Edinpharm Partner Supplier for generics, PI and Brands


Edinpharm Partnered Supplier for Generics, PI’s & Specials

Partnered Suppliers

We also work with many more suppliers to ensure that our members have access to the quality products and services that they need, at preferential rates. Some of these suppliers can be seen below.


Partnered Supplier for a Digital Travel Consultation Platform.


Edinpharm Partnered Supplier Bespoke Pharmacy Delivery App.

Positive Solutions Ltd. (PSL)

Positive Solutions – not an ordinary Pharmacy PMR systems vendor. We deliver total, end to end solutions to support the growth of your pharmacy business.

Retail Design Consultants (RDC)

Edinpharm’s recommended supplier for Pharmacy Design and Shop Fitting. 

Pharmacy Mentor

Providing full website building and ongoing management. Pharmacy Mentor also offer bespoke social media management for your pharmacy.


Pharmacy packages include more than just Pharmacy Manager, with a complete suite of products and services available.

Methameasure & Cannabis Clinic

Edinpharm Partnered Supplier for Methadone Registers

Locate a Locum

Edinpharm’s partnered supplier for workforce management software to assist with rota’s, holiday calculations and monitoring plus much more.


Edinpharm and Phoenix have been working together to bring Numark to all Edinpharm Members since July 2019. 

What our members think